The summer heat is on as we enjoyed this Cinco de Mayo weekend! Temperatures across the US have been a lot warmer with beautiful clear skies with plenty of sunshine becoming the norm. The importance of staying cool is becoming priority in most families homes, whether there is a Central AC unit that needs supplementing or a smaller space that needs to stay cooled.
Benefits of Window AC Unit
Less Energy Usage
A major pro is that you can get similar cooling results as Central Heating and air systems for the fraction of the cost. You don't have to worry about duct maintenance either. Additionally, you can move the air around multiple rooms with the use of a ceiling fan.
Highly Efficient
A great investment to cooling small spaces instead of the larger home and is especially important, now, with so many people now able to telecommute for work instead of going into the office. You can keep certain rooms cooler than others and maintain level or optimal energy usage.
When purchasing your window A/C Unit, take notice of…
Energy Star Rating
(A strict energy efficient criteria set by the US Environmental Protection Agency & the US Department of Energy using less energy and saving on your electrical costs.)
Noise Level
Filter Location
Intelligent Cooling
Ease of Instillation
There are additional factors to consider when purchasing your window AC unit. Knowing details such as how many people will occupy the space and/or how heavily sunny or shaded the room is will help you best determine the correct unit. Lets dig into the details on your space and what kind of unit to choose.
Determining Your Space
Air Conditioning units are rated based on British Thermal Units (the amount of heat needed to raise the one pound of water at maximum density through one degree Fahrenheit). Most AC units are between 5,000 and 12,500 BTU. But first, lets determine the room size.
Measure your room. If you have an open floor plan, add together the adjoining rooms as the unit will need to cool them as well. Multiply the
Length of the Room x Width of the Room
Size matters when it comes to cooling your living space. If you choose a unit that is too small, it will ineffectively cool your space and overheat from working too hard. If the unit is too big, it can cool it too quickly creating a cold a clammy environment (doesn't seem to bother Homer tho).
Below is a typical guide to help navigate the size and capacity of your A/C unit. You can click here to calculate the right BTU capacity for your space.
Smaller unit capacities range between 5,000 and 6,500 BTU cooling between 100 to 300 Sq FT.
Medium Unit Capacities range between 7,000 and 8,200 BTU cooling between 250 to 400 Sq FT.
Larger Unit Capacities ranger between 9,800 and 12,500 BTU cooling between 350 and 650 Sq FT.
Here are some other factors to consider when determining which unit will fit your lifestyle:
Height of the ceilings: Ceilings average 8-9 ft high depending on the era when it was built. Add additional BTU capacities for higher ceilings and decrease for lower ceilings.
Window Number/Size
Doorway Number/Size
Heavily Shaded: decrease unit capacity by 10%
Extra Sunny: increase unit capacity 10%
2+ People: increase unit capacity by 600 BTU for each additional person
Kitchen Unit: Increase unit capacity by 4,000 BTU
There are some disadvantages when considering the window AC unit. They can be unsightly, difficult to install, and a complete loss of window usability. Additionally, some locations such as condos and apartments prohibit the use of window a/c units. Portable air conditioning units are recommended in this case however provide decreased BTU capabilities.
We are well on the way to Summer 2021! Hopefully this small guide will help you navigate the many options available and find a unit that is suitable for your living arrangements. If you need instillation assistance with your unit or have questions or concerns, visit our Wix Space for set an appointment or to contact us.
Enjoy the changing warmer weather, stay cool and stay hydrated!